

作者:admin 浏览量:238次 来源:本站 时间:2022-12-28 10:47:18



Recycling Used Taian introduce traditional office furniture production materials are solid wood office furniture, office furniture plate, steel office furniture, steel office furniture which price and quality between the wood office furniture and office furniture plate, the cost is very high . Made of steel office furniture usually have file cabinets, wardrobe, drag cabinets, safes, etc. The advantage is safe and secure and not damaged, in day care than wooden office furniture to be easy, just use a wet towel to wipe you can, because it is made of steel characteristics, so the process of daily use, but also more difficult to form a hard scratch, even if accidentally scratched, then sprayed layer of paint to dry wipe can be restored as it was, this is the wooden office furniture are difficult to achieve.